

WSMCopyClass has been replaced by WSMCopyModel.


creates a copy of the model with the name name.


creates a copy of the model source with the name dest.

Details and Options

  • Both source and dest refer to the fully qualified Modelica names.
  • Names can be given as strings or as DotName.
  • If dest already exists, it can be overwritten with the option OverwriteTarget->True.
  • If the parent of dest does not exist, it is created automatically.
  • WSMCopyClass returns WSMModelData[dest], or $Failed if it cannot create the copy.
  • The shortest unique model name source can be used where WSMNames["*.source"] gives a unique match.


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Basic Examples  (4)

Load Wolfram System Modeler Link:

Copy a class from the DocumentationExamples library to a new place:

Give a new name to the copied class:

Make a copy of a package:

Applications  (1)

Make a copy of a library example and change it with WSMSetValues:

Change a parameter in the new model:

Compare with the original library example: