creates a new notebook with the template for mmodel.
creates a new notebook with multiple templates ti.
Details and Options
- Possible templates are given by WSMCreateTemplateNotebook["Properties"].
- Simulation templates include:
"ChangeParameter" simulate with a changed parameter "SweepParameter" simulate with a range of parameter values "ChangeInitialValue" simulate with a changed initial value "SweepInitialValue" simulate with a range of initial values "SimulateInRealTime" simulate in real time "ChangeRealTimeInput" change an input in real time "ChangeRealTimeParameter" change a parameter in real time - Analysis templates include:
"AnalyzeSensitivity" do a sensitivity analysis "CalibrateModel" calibrate a model to data "FourierAnalyze" do a Fourier analysis on simulation data "AnalyzeDoseResponse" analyze biochemical dose response
open allclose allBasic Examples (3)
Scope (9)
Simulation Templates (5)
Create a template notebook for changing a parameter over a range of values:
Create a template notebook for changing an initial value over a range of values:
Create a template notebook for running a simulation in real time:
Create a template notebook for changing an input to a real-time simulation:
Create a template notebook for changing a parameter in a real-time simulation:
Analysis Templates (4)
Create a template notebook for doing a sensitivity analysis on a parameter:
Create a template notebook for calibrating model parameters to measured data:
Create a template notebook for doing an FFT analysis on a simulation result variable:
Create a template notebook for analyzing dose response of a biochemical system: