Source code for wolframclient.deserializers.wxf

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

from wolframclient.deserializers.wxf.wxfconsumer import WXFConsumerNumpy
from wolframclient.deserializers.wxf.wxfparser import WXFParser
from wolframclient.exception import WolframParserException

__all__ = ["binary_deserialize"]

[docs]def binary_deserialize(wxf_input, consumer=None, **kwargs): """Deserialize binary data and return a Python object. Serialize a Python object to WXF:: >>> wxf = export({'key' : [1,2,3]}, target_format='wxf') Retrieve the input object:: >>> binary_deserialize(wxf) {'key': [1, 2, 3]} A stream of :class:`~wolframclient.deserializers.wxf.wxfparser.WXFToken` is generated from the WXF input by a instance of :class:`~wolframclient.deserializers.wxf.wxfparser.WXFParser`. The consumer must be an instance of :class:`~wolframclient.deserializers.wxf.wxfconsumer.WXFConsumer`. If none is provided, :class:`~wolframclient.deserializers.wxf.wxfconsumer.WXFConsumerNumpy` is used. To disable NumPy array support, use :class:`~wolframclient.deserializers.wxf.wxfconsumer.WXFConsumer`. Named parameters are passed to the consumer. They can be any valid parameter of :meth:`~wolframclient.deserializers.wxf.wxfconsumer.WXFConsumer.next_expression`, namely: * `dict_class`: map WXF `Association` to `dict_class` in place of a regular :class:`dict` """ parser = WXFParser(wxf_input) if consumer is None: consumer = WXFConsumerNumpy() try: o = consumer.next_expression(parser.tokens(), **kwargs) except StopIteration: raise WolframParserException( "Input data does not represent a valid expression in WXF format. Expecting more input data." ) if not parser.context.is_valid_final_state(): raise WolframParserException( "Input data does not represent a valid expression in WXF format. Some expressions are incomplete." ) return o