Source code for wolframclient.evaluation.kernel.path

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

from wolframclient.utils import six
from wolframclient.utils.api import os

[docs]def explore_paths(*paths): highest_version = -1 best_path = None for root in paths: if os.isdir(root): for version in os.listdir(root): full_path = os.path_join(root, version) if os.isdir(full_path): try: v_num = float(version) except ValueError: v_num = -2 if v_num > highest_version and v_num > 0: highest_version = v_num best_path = full_path if best_path: yield best_path
[docs]def installation_directories(): env = os.environ.get("WOLFRAM_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY", None) if env: yield env if six.WINDOWS: for p in explore_paths( "C:\\Program Files\\Wolfram Research\\Wolfram Desktop", "C:\\Program Files\\Wolfram Research\\Mathematica", "C:\\Program Files\\Wolfram Research\\Wolfram Engine", ): yield p elif six.LINUX: for p in explore_paths( "/usr/local/Wolfram/Desktop", "/usr/local/Wolfram/Mathematica", "/usr/local/Wolfram/WolframEngine", ): yield p elif six.MACOS: yield "/Applications/Wolfram" yield "/Applications/" yield "/Applications/Wolfram"
[docs]def exe_path(): if six.WINDOWS: return "WolframKernel.exe" elif six.LINUX: return "Executables/WolframKernel" elif six.MACOS: return "MacOS/WolframKernel"
[docs]def find_default_kernel_path(): """ Look for the most recent installed kernel. """ rel = exe_path() for path in installation_directories(): if rel: path = os.path_join(path, rel) if os.isfile(path): return path