Source code for wolframclient.serializers.wxfencoder.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

from wolframclient.exception import WolframLanguageException
from wolframclient.serializers.wxfencoder.constants import (
from wolframclient.utils import six
from wolframclient.utils.datastructures import Settings

if six.JYTHON:
    import jarray

[docs]def write_varint(int_value, stream): """Serialize `int_value` into varint bytes and write them to `stream`, return the stream. """ stream.write(varint_bytes(int_value))
[docs]def varint_bytes(int_value): """Serialize `int_value` into varint bytes and return them as a byetarray.""" buf = bytearray(9) if int_value < 0: raise TypeError("Negative values cannot be encoded as varint.") count = 0 while True: next = int_value & 0x7F int_value >>= 7 if int_value: buf[count] = next | 0x80 count += 1 else: buf[count] = next count += 1 break return buf[:count]
_exceptions = { 0: (WXF_CONSTANTS.Integer8, 1), -(1 << 7): (WXF_CONSTANTS.Integer8, 1), -(1 << 15): (WXF_CONSTANTS.Integer16, 2), -(1 << 31): (WXF_CONSTANTS.Integer32, 4), -(1 << 63): (WXF_CONSTANTS.Integer64, 8), } _size = dict( (j, (WXF_CONSTANTS["Integer%i" % ih], ih // 8)) for il, ih in ((1, 8), (9, 16), (17, 32), (33, 64)) for j in range(il, ih + 1) )
[docs]def integer_size(value): try: return _exceptions.get(value, None) or _size[value.bit_length() + 1] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Value %i is not a machine-sized integer." % value)
_packing = {1: StructInt8LE, 2: StructInt16LE, 4: StructInt32LE, 8: StructInt64LE} if six.JYTHON: def integer_to_bytes(value, int_size): buffer = jarray.zeros(8, "c") _packing.get(int_size).pack_into(buffer, 0, value) return buffer[:int_size].tostring() elif six.PY2: def integer_to_bytes(value, int_size): buffer = bytearray(8) _packing.get(int_size).pack_into(buffer, 0, value) return buffer[:int_size] else:
[docs] def integer_to_bytes(value, int_size): return value.to_bytes(int_size, byteorder="little", signed=True)
if six.JYTHON: def float_to_bytes(value): buffer = jarray.zeros(8, "c") StructDouble.pack_into(buffer, 0, value) return buffer.tostring() else:
[docs] def float_to_bytes(value): buffer = bytearray(8) StructDouble.pack_into(buffer, 0, value) return buffer
[docs]def valid_dimension_or_fail(dimension): if dimension <= 0: raise WolframLanguageException( "Invalid array dimensions: %s. Expecting strictly positive integer." % dimension )
[docs]def array_to_wxf(wxf_token, data, dimensions, array_type_token): yield wxf_token yield array_type_token yield varint_bytes(len(dimensions)) for dim in dimensions: valid_dimension_or_fail(dim) yield varint_bytes(dim) yield data
[docs]def numeric_array_to_wxf(data, dimensions, wl_type): return array_to_wxf(WXF_CONSTANTS.NumericArray, data, dimensions, ARRAY_TYPES[wl_type])
[docs]def packed_array_to_wxf(data, dimensions, wl_type): array_type_token = ARRAY_TYPES[wl_type] if array_type_token not in VALID_PACKED_ARRAY_TYPES: raise ValueError("Invalid PackedArray type %s" % array_type_token) return array_to_wxf(WXF_CONSTANTS.PackedArray, data, dimensions, array_type_token)
[docs]def array_to_list(data, dimensions, wl_type): for dimension in dimensions: valid_dimension_or_fail(dimension) return _array_to_list(data, dimensions, wl_type)
if hasattr(memoryview, "cast"): unpack_mapping = Settings( Integer8="b", UnsignedInteger8="B", Integer16="h", UnsignedInteger16="H", Integer32="i", UnsignedInteger32="I", Integer64="q", UnsignedInteger64="Q", Real32="f", Real64="d", ComplexReal32="f", ComplexReal64="d", ) def _to_complex(array, max_depth, curr_depth): # recursivelly traverse the array until the last (real) dimension is reached # it correspond to an array of (fake) array of two elements (real and im parts). if curr_depth < max_depth - 1: for sub in array: _to_complex(sub, max_depth, curr_depth + 1) return # iterate over the pairs for index, complex_pair in enumerate(array): array[index] = complex(*complex_pair) def _array_to_list(data, shape, array_type): view = memoryview(data) if array_type == "ComplexReal32" or array_type == "ComplexReal64": dimensions = list(shape) array_depth = len(dimensions) # In the given array, 2 reals give one complex, # adding one last dimension to represent it. dimensions.append(2) as_list = view.cast(unpack_mapping[array_type], shape=dimensions).tolist() _to_complex(as_list, array_depth, 0) return as_list else: return view.cast(unpack_mapping[array_type], shape=shape).tolist() else: unpack_mapping = Settings( Integer8=StructInt8LE, UnsignedInteger8=StructUInt8LE, Integer16=StructInt16LE, UnsignedInteger16=StructUInt16LE, Integer32=StructInt32LE, UnsignedInteger32=StructUInt32LE, Integer64=StructInt64LE, UnsignedInteger64=StructUInt64LE, Real32=StructFloat, Real64=StructDouble, ComplexReal32=StructFloat, ComplexReal64=StructDouble, ) def _array_to_list(data, shape, array_type): value, _ = _build_array_from_bytes(data, 0, array_type, shape, 0) return value def _build_array_from_bytes(data, offset, array_type, dimensions, current_dim): new_array = list() if current_dim < len(dimensions) - 1: for i in range(dimensions[current_dim]): new_elem, offset = _build_array_from_bytes( data, offset, array_type, dimensions, current_dim + 1 ) new_array.append(new_elem) else: struct = unpack_mapping[array_type] # complex values, need two reals for each. if array_type == "ComplexReal32" or array_type == "ComplexReal64": for i in range(dimensions[-1]): # this returns a tuple. re = struct.unpack_from(data, offset=offset) offset = offset + struct.size im = struct.unpack_from(data, offset=offset) offset = offset + struct.size new_array.append(complex(re[0], im[0])) else: for i in range(dimensions[-1]): # this returns a tuple. value = struct.unpack_from(data, offset=offset) offset = offset + struct.size new_array.append(value[0]) return new_array, offset