wolframclient.evaluation.cloud package


wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.asynccloudsession module

class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.asynccloudsession.WolframCloudAsyncSession(credentials=None, server=None, loop=None, inputform_string_evaluation=True, oauth_session_class=None, xauth_session_class=None, http_sessionclass=None, ssl_context_class=None)[source]

Bases: wolframclient.evaluation.base.WolframAsyncEvaluator

Interact with a Wolfram Cloud asynchronously using coroutines.

Asynchronous cloud operations are provided through coroutines using modules asyncio and aiohttp.

Instances of this class can be managed with an asynchronous context manager:

async with WolframCloudAsyncSession() as session:
    await session.call(...)

An event loop can be explicitly passed using the named parameter loop; otherwise, the one returned by get_event_loop() is used. The initialization options of the class WolframCloudSession are also supported by this class.

call(api, input_parameters={}, files={}, target_format='wl', permissions_key=None, **kwargv)[source]

Call a given API using the provided input parameters.

api can be a string url or a tuple (username, api name). The username is generally the Wolfram Language symbol $UserName. The API name can be a UUID or a relative path, e.g. myapi/foo/bar.

The input parameters are provided as a dictionary with string keys being the name of the parameters associated to their value.

Files are passed in a dictionary. Values can have multiple forms:

{'parameter name': file_pointer}

It is possible to explicitly specify a filename and a content type:

{'parameter name': ('filename', file_pointer, 'content-type')}

Bytes can also be passed as files:

{'parameter name': ('filename', b'...binary...data...', 'content-type')}

It is possible to pass a PermissionsKey to the server alongside the query and get access to a given resource.


Build a new instance using the same configuration as the one being duplicated.

evaluate(expr, **kwargs)[source]

Send expr to the cloud for evaluation and return the result.

expr can be a Python object serializable by export() or the string InputForm of an expression to evaluate.

evaluate_wrap(expr, **kwargs)[source]

Similar to evaluate() but return the result as a WolframEvaluationJSONResponseAsync.

wolfram_api_call(api, **kwargs)[source]

Build an helper class instance to call a given API.

class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.asynccloudsession.WolframAPICallAsync(target, api, permission_key=None)[source]

Bases: wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.base.WolframAPICallBase

Perform an API call using an asynchronous cloud session.


Make the API call and return the result.

wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.asyncoauth module

class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.asyncoauth.OAuth1AIOHttpAsyncSession(http_session, server, consumer_key, consumer_secret, signature_method=None, client_class=None, ssl_context_class=None)[source]

Bases: wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.asyncoauth.OAuthAIOHttpAsyncSessionBase

OAuth1 using aiohttp.


Asynchronous OAuth authentication class dealing with various tokens and signing requests.

class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.asyncoauth.OAuthAIOHttpAsyncSessionBase(http_session, server, consumer_key, consumer_secret, signature_method=None, client_class=None, ssl_context_class=None)[source]

Bases: wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.base.OAuthAsyncSessionBase

Asynchronous OAuth authentication class using aiohttp library for requests.

signed_request(uri, headers={}, data=None, method='POST')[source]

Construct a signed request and send it.

class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.asyncoauth.XAuthAIOHttpAsyncSession(userid_password, http_session, server, signature_method=None, client_class=<class 'oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.Client'>)[source]

Bases: wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.asyncoauth.OAuthAIOHttpAsyncSessionBase

XAuth using aiohttp.


Asynchronous OAuth authentication class dealing with various tokens and signing requests.

wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.base module

class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.base.SecuredAuthenticationKey(consumer_key, consumer_secret)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a Secured Authentication Key generated using the Wolfram Language function GenerateSecuredAuthenticationKey[]

It is used as an input when authenticating a cloud session.

is_xauth = False
class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.base.UserIDPassword(user, password)[source]

Bases: object

Represents user credentials used to login to a cloud.

It is used as an input when authenticating a cloud session.

is_xauth = True
class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.base.OAuthSessionBase(server, consumer_key, consumer_secret, signature_method=None, client_class=<class 'oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.Client'>)[source]

Bases: object

A family of classes dealing with authentication with OAuth method.

DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'User-Agent': 'WolframClientForPython/1.0'}

Authenticate with a given server using the user credentials


Return a reasonably accurate state of the authentication status.

signed_request(uri, headers={}, data=None, method='POST')[source]

Sign a given request and issue it.

class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.base.OAuthAsyncSessionBase(server, consumer_key, consumer_secret, signature_method=None, client_class=<class 'oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.Client'>)[source]

Bases: wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.base.OAuthSessionBase


Asynchronous OAuth authentication class dealing with various tokens and signing requests.

signed_request(uri, headers={}, data=None, method='POST')[source]

Sign a given request and issue it asynchronously.

wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.cloudsession module

class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.cloudsession.WolframCloudSession(credentials=None, server=None, inputform_string_evaluation=True, oauth_session_class=None, xauth_session_class=None, http_sessionclass=None, max_workers=4)[source]

Bases: wolframclient.evaluation.base.WolframEvaluator

Represent a session to a given cloud enabling simple API call.

This is the central class of the cloud evaluation package. It is initialized with a server instance representing a given cloud. By default, a session targets the Wolfram Public Cloud.

Most of the time it is necessary to authenticate with the server before issuing requests. A session supports two forms of authentication:

  • 2-legged oauth using a secured authentication key
  • xauth using the user ID and password

Calling an API is done through the method call(), which will return an instance of WolframAPIResponse. It is strongly advised to reuse a session to make multiple calls to mitigate the cost of initialization.

max_workers can be specified and is passed to the ThreadPoolExecutor used for future methods.

call(api, input_parameters={}, files={}, target_format='wl', permissions_key=None, **kwargv)[source]

Call a given API using the provided input parameters.

api can be a string url or a tuple (username, api name). The username is generally the Wolfram Language symbol $UserName. The API name can be a UUID or a relative path, e.g. myapi/foo/bar.

The input parameters are provided as a dictionary with string keys being the name of the parameters associated to their value.

Files are passed in a dictionary. Values can have multiple forms:

{'parameter name': file_pointer}

It is possible to explicitly specify a filename and a content type:

{'parameter name': ('filename', file_pointer, 'content-type')}

String can also be passed as files:

{'parameter name': ('filename', '...string...data...', 'content-type')}

It is possible to pass a PermissionsKey to the server alongside the query and get access to a given resource.

call_future(api, input_parameters={}, target_format='wl', permissions_key=None, **kwargv)[source]

Call a given API asynchronously and return a Future object.

See WolframCloudSession.call() for more details about input parameters.


Build a new instance using the same configuration as the one being duplicated.

evaluate(expr, **kwargs)[source]

Send expr to the cloud for evaluation and return the result.

expr can be a Python object serializable by export() or the string InputForm of an expression to evaluate.

evaluate_future(expr, **kwargs)[source]

Send expr to the cloud for asynchronous evaluation and return a Future object.

expr can be a Python object serializable by export() or the string InputForm of an expression to evaluate.

evaluate_wrap(expr, **kwargs)[source]

Similar to evaluate() but return the result as a WolframCloudEvaluationResponse.

evaluate_wrap_future(expr, **kwargs)[source]

Asynchronously call evaluate_wrap.

Return a Future object.


Start the evaluator.

Once this function is called, the evaluator must be ready to evaluate incoming expressions.


Gracefully stop the evaluator. Try to stop the evaluator but wait for the current evaluation to finish first.


Immediately stop the evaluator, which will kill the running jobs, resulting in cancelled evaluations.

wolfram_api_call(api, **kwargs)[source]

Build an helper class instance to call a given API.

class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.cloudsession.WolframAPICall(target, api, permission_key=None)[source]

Bases: wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.base.WolframAPICallBase

Helper class to perform an API call using a cloud session.


Make the API call and return the result.


Make the API call asynchronously and return a future object.

wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.oauth module

class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.oauth.OAuth1RequestsSyncSession(http_session, server, consumer_key, consumer_secret, signature_method=None, client_class=None)[source]

Bases: wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.oauth.OAuthRequestsSyncSessionBase

Oauth1 authentication using secured authentication key, as expected by the requests library.


Authenticate with a given server using the user credentials

class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.oauth.XAuthRequestsSyncSession(userid_password, http_session, server, consumer_key, consumer_secret, signature_method=None, client_class=<class 'oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.Client'>)[source]

Bases: wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.oauth.OAuthRequestsSyncSessionBase

XAuth authentication as expected by the requests library.

xauth authenticates with user and password, but requires a specific server configuration.


Authenticate with a given server using the user credentials

wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.request_adapter module


wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.server module

class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.server.WolframServer(cloudbase, request_token_endpoint, access_token_endpoint, xauth_consumer_key=None, xauth_consumer_secret=None, certificate=None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents the cloud server.

Contains the authentication endpoints information, the API endpoint aka. the cloud base ($CloudBase in the Wolfram Language), and eventually the xauth consumer key and secret.


Module contents

class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.WolframServer(cloudbase, request_token_endpoint, access_token_endpoint, xauth_consumer_key=None, xauth_consumer_secret=None, certificate=None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents the cloud server.

Contains the authentication endpoints information, the API endpoint aka. the cloud base ($CloudBase in the Wolfram Language), and eventually the xauth consumer key and secret.

class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.WolframCloudSession(credentials=None, server=None, inputform_string_evaluation=True, oauth_session_class=None, xauth_session_class=None, http_sessionclass=None, max_workers=4)[source]

Bases: wolframclient.evaluation.base.WolframEvaluator

Represent a session to a given cloud enabling simple API call.

This is the central class of the cloud evaluation package. It is initialized with a server instance representing a given cloud. By default, a session targets the Wolfram Public Cloud.

Most of the time it is necessary to authenticate with the server before issuing requests. A session supports two forms of authentication:

  • 2-legged oauth using a secured authentication key
  • xauth using the user ID and password

Calling an API is done through the method call(), which will return an instance of WolframAPIResponse. It is strongly advised to reuse a session to make multiple calls to mitigate the cost of initialization.

max_workers can be specified and is passed to the ThreadPoolExecutor used for future methods.

call(api, input_parameters={}, files={}, target_format='wl', permissions_key=None, **kwargv)[source]

Call a given API using the provided input parameters.

api can be a string url or a tuple (username, api name). The username is generally the Wolfram Language symbol $UserName. The API name can be a UUID or a relative path, e.g. myapi/foo/bar.

The input parameters are provided as a dictionary with string keys being the name of the parameters associated to their value.

Files are passed in a dictionary. Values can have multiple forms:

{'parameter name': file_pointer}

It is possible to explicitly specify a filename and a content type:

{'parameter name': ('filename', file_pointer, 'content-type')}

String can also be passed as files:

{'parameter name': ('filename', '...string...data...', 'content-type')}

It is possible to pass a PermissionsKey to the server alongside the query and get access to a given resource.

call_future(api, input_parameters={}, target_format='wl', permissions_key=None, **kwargv)[source]

Call a given API asynchronously and return a Future object.

See WolframCloudSession.call() for more details about input parameters.


Build a new instance using the same configuration as the one being duplicated.

evaluate(expr, **kwargs)[source]

Send expr to the cloud for evaluation and return the result.

expr can be a Python object serializable by export() or the string InputForm of an expression to evaluate.

evaluate_future(expr, **kwargs)[source]

Send expr to the cloud for asynchronous evaluation and return a Future object.

expr can be a Python object serializable by export() or the string InputForm of an expression to evaluate.

evaluate_wrap(expr, **kwargs)[source]

Similar to evaluate() but return the result as a WolframCloudEvaluationResponse.

evaluate_wrap_future(expr, **kwargs)[source]

Asynchronously call evaluate_wrap.

Return a Future object.


Start the evaluator.

Once this function is called, the evaluator must be ready to evaluate incoming expressions.


Gracefully stop the evaluator. Try to stop the evaluator but wait for the current evaluation to finish first.


Immediately stop the evaluator, which will kill the running jobs, resulting in cancelled evaluations.

wolfram_api_call(api, **kwargs)[source]

Build an helper class instance to call a given API.

class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.WolframAPICall(target, api, permission_key=None)[source]

Bases: wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.base.WolframAPICallBase

Helper class to perform an API call using a cloud session.


Make the API call and return the result.


Make the API call asynchronously and return a future object.

class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.SecuredAuthenticationKey(consumer_key, consumer_secret)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a Secured Authentication Key generated using the Wolfram Language function GenerateSecuredAuthenticationKey[]

It is used as an input when authenticating a cloud session.

is_xauth = False
class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.UserIDPassword(user, password)[source]

Bases: object

Represents user credentials used to login to a cloud.

It is used as an input when authenticating a cloud session.

is_xauth = True
class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.WolframAPICallAsync(target, api, permission_key=None)[source]

Bases: wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.base.WolframAPICallBase

Perform an API call using an asynchronous cloud session.


Make the API call and return the result.

class wolframclient.evaluation.cloud.WolframCloudAsyncSession(credentials=None, server=None, loop=None, inputform_string_evaluation=True, oauth_session_class=None, xauth_session_class=None, http_sessionclass=None, ssl_context_class=None)[source]

Bases: wolframclient.evaluation.base.WolframAsyncEvaluator

Interact with a Wolfram Cloud asynchronously using coroutines.

Asynchronous cloud operations are provided through coroutines using modules asyncio and aiohttp.

Instances of this class can be managed with an asynchronous context manager:

async with WolframCloudAsyncSession() as session:
    await session.call(...)

An event loop can be explicitly passed using the named parameter loop; otherwise, the one returned by get_event_loop() is used. The initialization options of the class WolframCloudSession are also supported by this class.

call(api, input_parameters={}, files={}, target_format='wl', permissions_key=None, **kwargv)[source]

Call a given API using the provided input parameters.

api can be a string url or a tuple (username, api name). The username is generally the Wolfram Language symbol $UserName. The API name can be a UUID or a relative path, e.g. myapi/foo/bar.

The input parameters are provided as a dictionary with string keys being the name of the parameters associated to their value.

Files are passed in a dictionary. Values can have multiple forms:

{'parameter name': file_pointer}

It is possible to explicitly specify a filename and a content type:

{'parameter name': ('filename', file_pointer, 'content-type')}

Bytes can also be passed as files:

{'parameter name': ('filename', b'...binary...data...', 'content-type')}

It is possible to pass a PermissionsKey to the server alongside the query and get access to a given resource.


Build a new instance using the same configuration as the one being duplicated.

evaluate(expr, **kwargs)[source]

Send expr to the cloud for evaluation and return the result.

expr can be a Python object serializable by export() or the string InputForm of an expression to evaluate.

evaluate_wrap(expr, **kwargs)[source]

Similar to evaluate() but return the result as a WolframEvaluationJSONResponseAsync.

wolfram_api_call(api, **kwargs)[source]

Build an helper class instance to call a given API.