MLPutByteSymbol (C Function)
MLPutByteSymbol has been replaced by WSPutByteSymbol.
int MLPutByteSymbol(MLINK link,const unsigned char *s,long l)
puts a symbol whose name is given by the character string s of length l to the MathLink connection specified by link.
- MLPutByteSymbol() can transfer the full range of characters representable in 8 bits.
- The character string does not need to be terminated with a null byte.
- MLPutByteSymbol() returns 0 in the event of an error, and a nonzero value if the function succeeds.
- Use MLError() to retrieve the error code if MLPutByteSymbol() fails.
- MLPutByteSymbol() is declared in the MathLink header file mathlink.h.
Basic Examples (1)
#include "mathlink.h"
/* send the expression Integrate[Cos[y],y] to a link */
void f(MLINK lp)
if(! MLPutFunction(lp, "Integrate", 2))
{ /* unable to put the function to lp */ }
if(! MLPutFunction(lp, "Cos", 1))
{ /* unable to put the function to lp */ }
if(! MLPutByteSymbol(lp, "y", 1))
{ /* unable to put the symbol to lp */ }
if(! MLPutByteSymbol(lp, "y", 1))
{ /* unable to put the symbol to lp */ }
if(! MLEndPacket(lp))
{ /* unable to send the end-of-packet indicator to lp */ }
if(! MLFlush(lp))
{ /* unable to flush any outgoing data buffered in lp */ }