MLPutType (C Function)

MLPutType has been replaced by WSPutType.

int MLPutType(MLINK link, int type)

prepares link to put an object of the specified type.


  • All type values begin with MLTK.
  • The following types are common:
  • MLTKERRerror
    MLTKFUNCcomposite function
    MLTKREALapproximate real number
    MLTKSTRcharacter string
    MLTKOLDINTinteger from older versions of the MathLink library
    MLTKOLDREALapproximate real number from older versions of the MathLink library
    MLTKOLDSTRcharacter string from older versions of the MathLink library
    MLTKOLDSYMsymbol from older versions of the MathLink library
  • MLTKINT and MLTKREAL do not necessarily signify numbers that can be stored in C int and double variables.
  • MLPutType() returns 0 in the event of an error, and a nonzero value if the function succeeds.
  • Use MLError() to retrieve the error code if MLPutType() fails.
  • MLPutType() is declared in the MathLink header file mathlink.h.


Basic Examples  (1)

#include "mathlink.h"

/* send a function using tokens and argument counts to a link */

void f(MLINK lp)
    if(! MLPutType(lp, MLTKFUNC))
        { /* unable to put the function type to lp */ }

    if(! MLPutArgCount(lp, 2))
        { /* unable to put the number of arguments to lp */ }

    if(! MLPutSymbol(lp, "Plus"))
        { /* unable to put the symbol to lp */ }

    if(! MLPutInteger32(lp, 2))
        { /* unable to put the integer to lp */ }

    if(! MLPutInteger32(lp, 3))
        { /* unable to put the integer to lp */ }

    if(! MLFlush(lp))
        { /* unable to flush an buffered outgoing data to lp */ }