MLReleaseUTF16Symbol (C Function)

MLReleaseUTF16Symbol has been replaced by WSReleaseUTF16Symbol.

void MLReleaseUTF16Symbol(MLINK link,const unsigned short *s,int len)

disowns memory allocated by MLGetUTF16Symbol() to store the UTF-16 encoded character string s corresponding to the name of a symbol.


  • MLReleaseUTF16Symbol() is declared in the MathLink header file mathlink.h.


Basic Examples  (1)

#include "mathlink.h"

/* read a UTF-16 encoded symbol from a link and then release the memory to MathLink for deallocation */

void f(MLINK lp)
    const unsigned short *symbol;
    int number_of_codes;
    int number_of_characters;

    if(! MLGetUTF16String(lp, &symbol, &number_of_codes, &number_of_characters))
        { /* unable to read the UTF-16 encoded symbol from lp */ }

    /* ... */

    MLReleaseUTF16Symbol(lp, symbol, number_of_codes);