How to | Combine Two or More Graphics

When working with graphics in the Wolfram Language, you may want to combine several graphics into a single image. The Wolfram Language can combine graphics by overlaying them or by embedding them together in different orders.

One of the most common ways to combine graphics is by using Show.

Set up some graphics to combine, stored in this example as p1, p2, p3, and p4:

Overlay the graphics by using Show:

Display the full plot range using PlotRange->All:

Graphics can also be placed together in a row, grid, or column if you do not want to overlay them.

Use GraphicsRow to put the graphics in a row:

Use GraphicsGrid to put them in a grid:

Use GraphicsColumn to put them in a column:


The graphics options Epilog and Prolog can also be used to combine graphics. They work by embedding graphics together, but differ in the order in which they embed graphics.

Epilog works by embedding a graphic on top of another graphic.

Use Epilog as an option within Graphics to embed a point onto a line:

Prolog works by embedding a graphic behind another graphic.

Use Prolog as an option to Graphics to embed a point behind a line:


Show and Epilog can also be used with 3D graphics.

Make two 3D graphics and combine them using Show:

You can use Epilog to embed a 2D graphic within a 3D graphic.

Add a watermark to a 3D graphic by using Epilog as an option within SphericalPlot3D: