Legacy Documentation

Publicon® (2004)

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Documentation  / Publicon  / Reference  / Keyboard Shortcuts  / Entering 2D Expressions  / Examples  /


Publicon offers convenient keyboard aliases, as well as palette buttons, that enable you to write two-dimensional mathematical expressions.

The following sections illustrate how to use keyboard aliases to write two-dimensional mathematical expressions into a Publicon document.

How to type

Start with the expression that will be the numerator.

Type x

Create a built-up fraction by pressing the CONTROL key and the SLASH key at the same time. The placeholder in the denominator is already selected.

Press ControlKeyLeftModified/RightModified

Fill in the denominator.

Type y

Move the insertion point out of the fraction by pressing the CONTROL key and the SPACE bar at the same time.

Press ControlKeyKeyBarSpaceKey

How to type

Start with the expression that will be the base.

Type x

Create a built-up power by pressing the CONTROL key and the 6 key (or the CARET key) at the same time.

Press ControlKeyLeftModified6RightModified or ControlKeyLeftModified^RightModified

Type the exponent into the placeholder (which is already selected).

Type m

Move the insertion point out of the exponent and down to the baseline by pressing the CONTROL key and the SPACE bar at the same time.

Press ControlKeyKeyBarSpaceKey

How to type

To get a square root sign, press the CONTROL key and the 2 key (or the @ key) at the same time.

Press ControlKeyLeftModified2RightModified or ControlKeyLeftModified@RightModified

Type inside the placeholder (which is already selected).

Type x

Press the CONTROL key and the SPACE bar at the same time to get out of the square root.

Press ControlKeyKeyBarSpaceKey

How to type

To get a radical, press the CONTROL key and the 2 key (or the @ key) at the same time.

Press ControlKeyLeftModified2RightModified or ControlKeyLeftModified@RightModified

Type the radicand inside the placeholder (which is already selected).

Type x

Press the CONTROL key and the 5 key (or the % key) at the same time.

Press ControlKeyLeftModified5RightModified or ControlKeyLeftModified%RightModified

Type the index.

Type n

Get out of the radical and move down to the baseline by pressing the CONTROL key and the SPACE bar at the same time.

Press ControlKeyKeyBarSpaceKey

How to type

Type a left parenthesis and a right parenthesis, then move the insertion point between them.

Type (), press

Type the first entry of the vector. Create a new column by pressing the CONTROL key and the COMMA key at the same time.

Type a, press ControlKeyLeftModified,RightModified

Type the next entry into the placeholder (which is already selected). Create a new row by pressing the CONTROL key and the RETURN key at the same time.

Type b, press ControlKeyLeftModifiedRightModified

Type the next entry into the placeholder (which is already selected). Press the TAB key to select the next placeholder.

Type c, press TabKey

Type the last entry into the placeholder. Press the CONTROL key and the SPACE bar at the same time to get out of the GridBox.

Type d, press ControlKeyKeyBarSpaceKey

Move the insertion point to get out of the matrix.


How to type

Type the symbol that will have the subscript.

Type x

Create a subscript by pressing the CONTROL key and the - key (or the _ key) at the same time.

Press ControlKeyLeftModified-RightModified or ControlKeyLeftModified_RightModified

Type the subscript into the placeholder (which is already selected).

Type i

Move the insertion point out of the subscript position and up to the baseline by pressing the CONTROL key and the SPACE bar at the same time.

Press ControlKeyKeyBarSpaceKey

How to type

Type the symbol that will have the superscript.

Type A

Create a superscript by pressing the CONTROL key and the 6 key (or the CARET key) at the same time.

Press ControlKeyLeftModified6RightModified or ControlKeyLeftModified^RightModified

Type the superscript into the placeholder (which is already selected).

Type T

Move the insertion point out of the superscript position and down to the baseline by pressing the CONTROL key and the SPACE bar at the same time.

Press ControlKeyKeyBarSpaceKey

How to type

Type the expression that will have an underscript.

Type x

Create an underscript by pressing the CONTROL key and the = key (or the + key) at the same time.

Press ControlKeyLeftModified=RightModified or ControlKeyLeftModified+RightModified

Type an underscore into the placeholder (which is already selected).

Type _

Move the insertion point out of the underscript position and up to the baseline by pressing the CONTROL key and the SPACE bar at the same time.

Press ControlKeyKeyBarSpaceKey

How to type

Type the expression that will have an overscript.

Type x

Create an overscript by pressing the CONTROL key and the 7 key (or the & key) at the same time.

Press ControlKeyLeftModified7RightModified or ControlKeyLeftModified&RightModified

Type an underscore into the placeholder (which is already selected).

Type _

Move the insertion point out of the overscript position and down to the baseline by pressing the CONTROL key and the SPACE bar at the same time.

Press ControlKeyKeyBarSpaceKey