Cell Options
Display Options
• "Thickness" is an option for cells that determines the thickness of the brackets for a cell.
• "Thickness" is specified in terms of printer's points, where 72 points equal one inch. The default setting is "Thickness"
• "Color" is an option for cells that determines the color of the brackets for a cell.
• The color is specified using the color dialog box that appears when the square symbol to the right of the option is clicked. It can be specified using one of the following formats: RGBColor, GrayLevel, Hue, and CMYKColor.
• "Margins" is an option for cells that determines the width of margins around the brackets for a cell.
• "Margins"
{left, right} determines the size of the margins to the left and right of the cell bracket, respectively. The values of left and right are given in points, where 72 points equal one inch.
• "Widths" is an option for cells that determines the width of the brackets for a cell.
• "Widths"
{left, right} determines the width of the brackets for a cell. The values of left and right are given in points, where 72 points equal one inch.