Cell Options
Display Options
• ShowShortBoxForm is an option for cells that determines if box expressions, used to represent two-dimensional forms in a cell, are displayed in a more compact notation when the expression for that cell is viewed.
• With the setting ShowShortBoxForm
True, the expression for a cell containing two-dimensional objects is represented in a compact notation, called ShortBoxForm. To view the expression for a cell, select the cell and click Format
Show Expression.
• With the default setting ShowShortBoxForm
False, cell expressions involving two-dimensional objects are not displayed in short box form. The short box form, though more compact, is less intuitive to read and interpret. Hence the conventional notation is preferred when viewing and editing cell expressions.
• For example, an input cell containing the expression
would be displayed as: Cell[BoxData[\(a\^2 + b\^2\)], "Input"] with "ShortBoxForm"
True; and as Cell[BoxData[RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["a", "2"],+",SuperscriptBox["b", "2"]}]], "Input"] with "ShortBoxForm"