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Publicon® (2004)

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Counter Assignment and Incrementing


• CounterIncrements is an option for cells that determines if the value of a specified counter is incremented by one.

• CounterIncrements Rule {"Counter1"} increases the value of Counter1 by one.
• CounterIncrements is usually defined for particular cell styles in the style sheet, but it can also be defined for an individual cell.


• CounterAssignments is an option for cells that determines the value of a specified counter.

• CounterAssignments Rule {{"Counter1" Rule "m"} , {"Counter1" Rule "n"}} assigns the values m and n to Counter1 and Counter2, respectively.
• CounterAssignments is usually defined for particular cell styles in the style sheet, but it can also be defined for an individual cell.


• InlineCounterIncrements is an option for cells that determines if the value of a specified counter in an inline cell should be incremented by one.

• InlineCounterIncrements Rule {"Counter1"} increases the value of Counter1 by one.
• InlineCounterIncrements is usually defined for particular cell styles in the style sheet, but it can also be defined for an individual cell.


• InlineCounterAssignments is an option for cells that determines the value of a specified counter for an inline cell.

• InlineCounterAssignments Rule {{"Counter1" Rule "m"} , {"Counter1" Rule "n"}} assigns the values m and n to Counter1 and Counter2, respectively.
• InlineCounterAssignments is usually defined for particular cell styles in the style sheet, but it can also be defined for an individual cell.