Formatting Options
Font Options
• "FontSerifed" is an option for characters that determines if special characters are displayed with or without serifs.
• Publicon contains fonts for entering special characters such as mathematical symbols and Greek letters. Typically each of these special fonts is available in more than one form (e.g. with or without serifs). Publicon normally chooses the specific form automatically depending on the characteristics of the surrounding text. You can, however, use the "FontSerifed" option to override the automatic settings if you want.
• With the setting "FontSerifed"
True, special characters are drawn as serifed regardless of the standard settings for the font family being used.
• With the setting "FontSerifed"
False, special characters are drawn sans serif, regardless of the standard settings for the font family being used.
• With the default setting "FontSerifed"
Automatic, special characters are drawn with or without serifs depending on the default settings for the font family being used.
• "FontMonospaced" is an option for characters that determines if special characters are drawn with uniform or variable width.
• Publicon contains fonts for entering special characters such as mathematical symbols and Greek letters. Typically each of these fonts is available in more than one form (e.g. with the characters having uniform or variable widths). Publicon normally chooses the specific form automatically depending on the characteristics of the surrounding text. You can, however, use the "FontMonospaced" option to override the automatic settings if you want.
• With the setting "FontMonospaced"
True, all special characters have the same width.
• With the setting "FontMonospaced"
False, different characters have different widths depending on their shape.
• With the default setting "FontMonospaced"
Automatic, special characters have equal or unequal widths depending on the default settings for the font family being used.