Formatting Options
Table/Matrix/Palette Formatting
Column Options
• ColumnAlignments is an option for cells that determines the horizontal alignment of the columns in a grid box.
• With the default setting ColumnAlignments
Center, all elements in the same row are horizontally positioned so that their baselines coincide.
• Other possible settings are Left, Right, and n, where n is the amount of space in ems from the left edge of the column.
• ColumnSpacings is an option for cells that determines the horizontal spacing between successive columns of a grid box.
• The spacing is specified in em units. The default setting is ColumnSpacings
• You can also assign a different spacing for each column. ColumnSpacings
{n1, n2, n3......} means that the spacing after the first column is n1, after the second column n2, and so forth. If the number of columns is greater than the number of elements in the list, the last element determines the spacing for all remaining columns.
• ColumnsEqual is an option for cells that determines if all columns in a grid box have the same width.
• With the default setting ColumnsEqual
False, each column can have a different width depending on its contents.
• With the setting ColumnsEqual
True, all columns are adjusted to have the same width as the column with the maximum width.
• ColumnWidths is an option for cells that determines the widths of columns in a grid box.
• With the setting ColumnWidths
n, all columns in the grid box have a width of n ems.
• With the setting ColumnWidths
{n1, n2, ....}, the first column has width n1, the second has width n2, and so on. If the number of columns is greater than the number of elements in the list, the last value in the list determines the width of all remaining columns.
• With the setting ColumnWidths
Automatic, the columns grow to be as large as needed to fit the widest entry in a column; values between 0 and 1 specify percentages of the current formatting width. For example, ColumnWidths
{.25, .5} makes the width of the first column 25% and that of the second column 50% (of the current formatting width). For different columns to have different widths, the option ColumnsEqual must be set to False.
• Automatic is valid wherever a number is valid, for example in ColumnWidths
{.2, Automatic, 30}.