• LanguageCategory is an option for cells that determines the category of language used to interpret a word when its spelling is checked.
• With the default setting LanguageCategory NaturalLanguage, the word is interpreted in a human natural language such as English, French, or German. The specific language used is determined by the setting for the option DefaultNaturalLanguage. • With the setting LanguageCategory Formula, the word is interpreted as belonging to a mathematical formula. • With the setting LanguageCategory Publicon, the word is interpreted as part of a Publicon command. • With the setting LanguageCategory None, the word is ignored in a spelling check. • The value of LanguageCategory is usually set for specific cell styles in the style sheet. Typical settings are: NaturalLanguage for Text cells; Publicon for Input cells; and None for Graphics cells. • See also: DefaultNaturalLanguage.