Formatting Options
Text Content Options
• "CorrectWords" is an option for cells that specifies a list of words to add to the main dictionary.
• "CorrectWords"
{"word1", "word2", .....} means that if any of the words in the list is found during a spelling check, it is skipped even if it does not exist in the main dictionary.
• The default setting is "CorrectWords"
• This option is typically set at the global level, but it can also be set at the level of an individual notebook or cell.
• "IncorrectWords" is an option for cells that specifies a list of words to subtract from the main dictionary.
• "IncorrectWords"
{"word1", "word2", .....} means that if any of the words in the list is found, the spelling check stops, even if the word exists in the main dictionary.
• The default setting is "InCorrectWords"
• This option is typically set at the global level, but it can also be set at the level of an individual notebook or cell.
• "Suggestions" is an option for cells that specifies a list of words to subtract from the main dictionary along with a suggested alternative for each word.
• "Suggestions"
"newword1"}, .....} means that if any of the words in the list is found, the spelling check stops and the corresponding new word is offered as an alternative in the spell check dialog box.
• The default setting is "Suggestions"
• This option is typically set at the global level, but it can also be set at the level of an individual notebook or cell.