Global Options
Data Import/Export Options
ToPostScriptOptions is a group of global options that specify the settings used when importing PostScript files. This option can be used to generate black-and-white postscript images for use with B/W printers. This is useful because some printers may not support the PostScript colorimage operator, and because the B/W version will occupy three times less disk space. The option consists of the following suboptions.
• "RemoveColorFromBitmaps" is a global option that determines if bitmaps representing graphics should preserve color information when the file is saved.
• This option can be used to generate B/W PostScript images for use with B/W printers. This is useful because some printers may not support the PostScript colorimage operator, and because the B/W version occupies three times less disk space.
• With the default setting "RemoveColorFromBitmaps"
False, the colors of bitmapped graphics are preserved when converted to PostScript.
• With the setting "RemoveColorFromBitmaps"
True, all information about the color of bitmapped graphics is lost when converted to PostScript.
• "IgnoreEmbeddedPostScript" is a global option that determines if PostScript commands in a graphics being imported should be interpreted by Publicon.
• With the default setting "IgnoreEmbeddedPostScript"
True, PostScript commands embedded in a graphics file are ignored when the file is imported.
• With the setting "IgnoreEmbeddedPostScript"
False, PostScript commands embedded in a graphics file are preserved.
• "BitsPerPixel" is a global option that determines the number of bits used to represent a single pixel or color (for color images).
• This option controls the resolution used in PostScript image/colorimage operators.
• The default setting is "BitsPerPixel"
8. The value can be set lower or higher depending on the resolution desired.