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Publicon® (2004)

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Documentation  / Publicon  / Reference  / Preferences  / Global Options  / Dialog Settings  /


HelpBrowserSettings is a global option that stores settings associated with the Help Browser. It consists of the following suboptions.


• "ShowCategories" is a global option that determines if browser categories are displayed in the Help Browser window.

• With the default setting "ShowCategories" Rule True, the browser window contains a set of four columns that display the categories of help information available.
• With the setting "ShowCategories" Rule False, the columns containing the browser categories are no longer visible, thus increasing the amount of text that can be displayed within the Help Browser.


• "WindowSize" is a global option that determines the size of the window used to display the Help Browser window.

• "WindowSize" Rule {w,h} gives the width and height of the window in printer's points.
• Setting either the width or height to Automatic causes the size of the window to be determined from the setting for "WindowMargins" and the size of your screen.
• The setting for "WindowSize" changes whenever you resize the Help Browser window interactively in the front end.


• "WindowMargins" is a global option that determines the size of margins around the "Help Browser" window.

• "WindowMargins" Rule {{left, right}, {bottom, top}} determines the distances from each edge of your screen to each edge of the window.
• The values of left, right, bottom, and top are given in points, where 72 points equal one inch.
• Negative values of left, right, bottom, and top represent edges that are off the screen.
• Typically only two distances are given explicitly; the others are set to Automatic, indicating that they should be determined from the size of the window.
• The settings for "WindowMargins" change automatically whenever you move a window around interactively on the screen.
• The window edges closer to the edges of the screen are typically assigned explicit margin distances; the other edges are set to Automatic. This allows the same setting for "WindowMargins" to work on screens of different sizes.