Global Options
Dialog Settings
OptionInspectorSettings is a global preference that stores settings associated with the Option Inspector. The Option Inspector is accessed by clicking Edit
Preferences. OptionInspectorSettings consists of the following suboptions.
• "Scope" is a global option that determines the inheritance level for which options are displayed in the Option Inspector window.
• With the default setting "Scope"
"Global", all options are displayed in the window.
• The other possible settings are "Notebook" and "Selection".
• See also: Option Inspector.
• "ViewAs" is a global option that determines the format for displaying the options in the Option Inspector window.
• With the default setting ViewAs
"Browser", the options are grouped into categories according to their inheritance levels (e.g. Global, Notebook, and Cell) and function. There is some overlap between the different categories, with some options being listed in more than one place.
• With the setting "ViewAs"
"Alphabetical", the options are listed in alphabetical order.
• With the setting "ViewAs"
"Text", those options whose settings differ from their default values are listed as plain text.
• "WindowSize" is a global option that determines the size of the Option Inspector window.
• "WindowSize"
{w,h} gives the width and height of the window in printer's points.
• Setting either the width or height to Automatic causes the size of the window to be determined from the setting for "WindowMargins" and the size of your screen.
• The setting for "WindowSize" changes whenever you resize the Option Inspector window interactively.
• "WindowMargins" is a global option that determines the size of margins around the Option Inspector window.
• "WindowMargins"
{{left, right}, {bottom, top}} determines the distances from each edge of your screen to each edge of the window.
• The values of left, right, bottom, and top are given in points, where 72 points equal one inch.
• Negative values of left, right, bottom, and top represent edges that are off the screen.
• Typically only two distances are given explicitly; the others are set to Automatic, indicating that they should be determined from the size of the window.
• The settings for "WindowMargins" change automatically whenever you move a window around interactively on the screen.
• The window edges closer to the edges of the screen are typically assigned explicit margin distances; the other edges are set to Automatic. This allows the same setting for "WindowMargins" to work on screens of different sizes.