Global Options
File Locations
• AddOnHelpPath is a global option that determines the list of directories searched for additional help files used within the Help Browser.
• These help files are used for packages contained within the AddOns directory, such as standard packages or application packs.
• The directories are specified using the FrontEnd`FileName function. Typical directories included on PreferencesPath are FrontEnd`FileName[{$UserAddOnsDirectory, "Addons", "Applications"}], FrontEnd`FileName[{$AddOnsDirectory, "AddOns", "Applications"}] and FrontEnd`FileName[{$TopDirectory, "SystemFiles", "FrontEnd"}].
• The help notebooks should be in a subdirectory called Documentation/English.
• To change the setting for this option, click the square symbol at the right of the option to bring up a dialog box. Then click the appropriate button to add, remove, or edit a directory location.