Inheritance of Preferences
The Option Inspector allows you to set the value of a preference on three different levels. In decreasing order of precedence, the levels are as follows.
• Global - to set preferences for the entire application
• Notebook - to set preferences for an entire document
• Selection - to set preferences locally, e.g. for a group of cells, a single cell, or text within a cell
The levels lower in the hierarchy inherit their preferences from the level immediately above them. For example, if a document has the option Editable set to True, by default all cells in the document will be editable.
You can, however, override the inherited value of an option by explicitly changing its value. For example, if you do not want a particular cell in your document to be editable, you can select the cell and set Editable to False. This inheritance property of preferences provides you with a great deal of control over the behavior of Publicon, since you can set any preference to have different values at each level, as required.
Note: At each level, only the preferences which can be set at that level are listed in the Option Inspector. All other preferences appear dimmed, indicating that they cannot be changed unless you go to a higher or lower level.