Notebook Options
File Options
• AutoGeneratedPackage is an option for notebooks that determines if a package is automatically created from a notebook containing initialization cells when the notebook is saved.
• With the default setting AutoGeneratedPackage
Manual, a dialog box appears when a notebook containing initialization cells is saved, asking you to specify if a package should be created. Depending on your response, the value of the option is reset to None or Automatic.
• With the setting AutoGeneratedPackage
Automatic, a package is automatically created when a notebook containing initialization cells is saved for the first time. The package is automatically updated each time the notebook is saved. The package file has the same name as the notebook except with the suffix ".m" instead of ".nb", and it is stored in the same directory as the notebook.
• With the setting AutoGeneratedPackage
None, a package is not created when a notebook containing initialization cells is saved.