Style List
All the style names used by the Publicon style sheets are listed here in the same hierarchical order as in the style sheets themselves. All Publicon style sheets use the same style names for the same purpose, but not all formats require all the same styles so some style sheets lack style definitions for any number of the styles listed here. PubliconDefault.nb contains all the listed styles.
All Publicon style sheets include matching HTML CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) definitions in a "preamble" to the actual Publicon document style definitions, the section titled "CSS". This embedded CSS is extracted from the Publicon style sheet during the HTML export process and embedded within the saved HTML file. Any changes to the Publicon style definitions need to be synchronized with the CSS definitions for proper HTML conversion. Future versions of Publicon will handle CSS conversion automatically.
Other specialized settings in the "preamble" of Publicon style sheet might include
configuration settings, for customizing the package and macro settings of exported
files. The Notebook Options section might include options or flags such as "AllowsIndexedHeadersFooters"
False, ContextValidation, PlotInsertionRestricted, and XRefInsertionRestricted, in cells of "MiscSettings" style. These are all fairly obscure settings for customizing Publicon's behavior with regard to any particular document format, and which will be documented in greater detail in future white papers to become available on the Publicon web site.