Unicode: 2236. Alias: Esc : Esc. Infix operator. x ∶ y is by default interpreted as Colon[x,y]. Used in mathematics to mean 'such that'. Occasionally used to indicate ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Colon[x, y, ...] displays as x \[Colon] y \[Colon] ....
Unicode: 003A. Raw operator. Equivalent to the ordinary ASCII character with code 58.
symbol::tag is a name for a message.
Particularly when you use transformation rules, you often need to name pieces of patterns. An object like x_ stands for any expression, but gives the expression the name x. ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) i ;; j represents a span of elements i through j.i ;; represents a span from i to the end.;; j represents a span from the beginning to j.;; represents a span that includes ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) s : obj represents the pattern object obj, assigned the name s.
Mathematica has a general mechanism for handling messages generated during computations. Many built-in Mathematica functions use this mechanism to produce error and warning ...
Unicode: 2237. Infix relational operator. x ∷ y is by default interpreted as Proportion[x,y]. Used historically to indicate equality; now used to indicate proportion.
Unicode: F51F. Alias: Esc :> Esc. Infix operator with built-in evaluation rules. x y is by default interpreted as x:>y or RuleDelayed[x,y]. x y z groups as x (y z).