Building on its broad strengths in mathematics in general, and in special functions in particular, Mathematica provides a unique level of support for multiplicative number ...
Booleans represents the domain of Booleans, as in x \[Element] Booleans.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) I represents the imaginary unit Sqrt[-1].
CDefine[def] is a symbolic representation of a preprocessor define.
Indeterminate is a symbol that represents a numerical quantity whose magnitude cannot be determined.
Mathematica symbolic expressions can represent an immense range of types of objects. Mathematica provides a rich collection of functions to test expressions. Functions that ...
The general form of a linear second-order PDE is Here uu(x,y), and a, b, c, d, e, f, and g are functions of x and y only—they do not depend on u. If g0, the equation is ...
ChanVeseBinarize[image] finds a two-level segmentation of image by computing optimal contours around regions of consistent intensity in image.ChanVeseBinarize[image, marker] ...
The names of built-in functions follow some general guidelines. The main expression or object on which a built-in function acts is usually given as the first argument to the ...
DSolve can be used for finding the general solution to a differential equation or system of differential equations. The general solution gives information about the structure ...