TetGenExpression[id] represents an instance of a TetGen object.
TetGenExpressions[] returns a list of active TetGen expressions.
GUIObject[root, args] represents a live interface instance with root widget root, wrapping the active widgets and environment.
Algorithm is an option that informs functions such as ShortestPath, VertexColoring, and VertexCover about which algorithm to use.
Approximate is a value that the option Algorithm can take in calls to functions such as VertexCover, telling it to use an approximation algorithm.
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Brelaz is a value that the option Algorithm can take when used in the function VertexColoring.
CartesianProduct[l_1, l_2] gives the Cartesian product of lists l_1 and l_2.
CubicalGraph returns the graph corresponding to the cube, a Platonic solid.
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Cut is a tag that can be used in a call to NetworkFlow to tell it to return the minimum cut.
Derangements[p] constructs all derangements of permutation p.