Matrix representations of graphs go back a long time and are still in some areas the only way to represent graphs. Adjacency matrices represent adjacent vertices and ...
In Mathematica, graphs can be constructed in a variety of ways. They can be built from vertices and edges directly in a symbolic form. They can come from built-in curated ...
A graph may not be fully connected. For instance, only about 25% of the web graph is estimated to be in the largest strongly connected component. Another 25% is estimated to ...
LayeredGraphPlot attempts to draw the vertices of a graph in a series of layers, placing dominant vertices at the top, and vertices lower in the hierarchy progressively ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Graph6 graph data format. Used for storing undirected graphs. ASCII format. Stores connectivity information for multiple undirected graphs. Suitable for small graphs or large ...
EmptyGraphQ[g] yields True if g is an empty graph and False otherwise.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) GraphQ[g] yields True if g is a valid Graph object and False otherwise.