(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Raster[{{a_11, a_12, ...}, ...}] is a two-dimensional graphics primitive which represents a rectangular array of gray cells. Raster[{{{r_11, g_11, b_11}, ...}, ...}] ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) SortBy[list, f] sorts the elements of list in the order defined by applying f to each of them.
LineIntegralConvolutionPlot[{{v_x, v_y}, image}, {x, x_min, x_max}, {y, y_min, y_max}] generates a line integral convolution plot of image convolved with the vector field ...
RingModulation is an option to AmplitudeModulation which specifies whether to use ring modulation.
PathGraph[{v_1, v_2, ...}] yields a path with vertices v_i and edges between v_i and v i +\[ThinSpace]1 .PathGraph[{e_1, e_2, ...}] yields a path with edges ...
Numerical algorithms for constrained nonlinear optimization can be broadly categorized into gradient-based methods and direct search methods. Gradient search methods use ...
As of Mathematica 8, the functionality of the Wavelet Explorer add-on has been integrated into the Mathematica kernel.
Parallelize[expr] evaluates expr using automatic parallelization.
The function FindRoot has a Jacobian option; the functions FindMinimum, FindMaximum, and FindFit have a Gradient option; and the "Newton" method has a method option Hessian. ...
There are a number of features of the GUIKit framework that aid deployment of user interface definitions with your own AddOns so that they can be easily executed when needed. ...