EdgeLabel is an option that can take on values True or False, allowing the user to associate labels to edges. By default, there are no edge labels. The EdgeLabel option can ...
VertexLabel is an option that can take on values True or False, allowing the user to set and display vertex labels.
VertexNumber is an option that can take on values True or False. This can be used in ShowGraph to display or suppress vertex numbers.
Color names are available in the new kernel function ColorData.
Mathematica provides a convenient collection of platform-independent functions for manipulating names of files and directories. These functions can also be used to assemble ...
AbortProtect[expr] evaluates expr, saving any aborts until the evaluation is complete.
ControllerManipulate[expr, {u, u_min, u_max}] generates a version of expr set up to allow interactive manipulation of the value of u using an external controller ...
ImageRegion is an option for cells that specifies the size and position of the bounding box within which a graphic is rendered.
MultilineFunction is an option for UnderscriptBox and related box objects that specifies what to do when the contents of a box object are too long to fit on one line.
GroupSetwiseStabilizer[group, {p_1, ..., p_n}] returns the subgroup of group for which the images of the points p_i are still in the list {p_1, ..., p_n}.