FreeCDF (.cdf) creates a new Computable Document Format (CDF) file.
LoadJavaClass -- load and set up a Java class for use from Mathematica, JavaClass -- expression that represents a Java class, JavaNew -- create a Java object of a specified ...
(Mathematica System Program) mprep options preprocesses the MathLink template file, and generates C code that contains all the necessary MathLink code to call C functions from ...
Here are a few examples that demonstrate building user interfaces with the GUIKit framework. Hello World—The classic simple application written with GUIKit. Simple Slider
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) USGS ASCII DEM files. Standard format for the distribution of terrain elevation data for the United States. United States Geological Survey (USGS) standard. DEM is an acronym ...
The Java toolkit J/Link introduced Mathematica users to a powerful new technology for Mathematica programs to access the functionality of Java classes and, in particular, the ...
This example demonstrates how you can use the Invokethread option of user interface functions to allow user interface updates to be visible when performing a long Mathematica ...
The MathLink library provides a collection of C language functions for interacting with Mathematica via MathLink. These functions allow you not only to handle native C data ...
Mathematica supports a sophisticated symbolic cascading stylesheet mechanism that allows modular control of all aspects of notebook formatting and operation.