(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Clock[] represents a clock variable whose value cycles continuously from 0 to 1 once per second when it appears inside a dynamically updated object such as a Dynamic. ...
DialogInput[expr] interactively puts up expr as a dialog notebook, waits until a DialogReturn[e] is evaluated from within it, and then returns the result e. DialogInput[{x = ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Input[] interactively reads in one Mathematica expression. Input[prompt] requests input, displaying prompt as a "prompt".Input[prompt, init] in a notebook front end uses init ...
InputString[] interactively reads in a character string. InputString[prompt] requests input, displaying prompt as a "prompt". InputString[prompt, init] in a notebook front ...
Magnification is an option for Style and Cell that specifies what magnification to use for display.
NotebookWrite[notebook, data] writes data into a notebook at the current selection, setting the current selection to be just after the data written. NotebookWrite[notebook, ...
SetOptions[s, name_1 -> value_1, name_2 -> value_2, ...] sets the specified default options for a symbol s. SetOptions[stream, ...] or SetOptions["name", ...] sets options ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Splice["file"] splices Mathematica output into an external file. It takes text enclosed between < * and * > in the file, evaluates the text as Mathematica input, and replaces ...
WindowMargins is a notebook option that specifies what margins to leave around the window that is used to display the notebook on the screen.
The ability to generate pseudorandom numbers is important for simulating events, estimating probabilities and other quantities, making randomized assignments or selections, ...