MeanMinor is an interval list derived from the Mean Chromatic scale.
MusicScale[{i_1, i_2, ...}, freq, dur] creates a Sound object that is a sequence of pitches corresponding to numbers i_1, i_2, ..., a list of intervals measured in cents, ...
PythagoreanChromatic is an interval list for the Pythagorean Chromatic scale.
PythagoreanMajor is an interval list for the Pythagorean Major scale.
QuarterTone is an interval list in which each semitone (100 cents) is split in two.
SixthTone is an interval list in which each semitone (100 cents) is split in three.
TemperedChromatic is an interval list corresponding to an equal tempered scale.
TemperedMajor is an interval list derived from the Tempered Chromatic scale.
TemperedMinor is an interval list derived from the Tempered Chromatic scale.
The functions defined in Music` allow you to make conversions between cents and hertz, and play scales in one of the common tuning systems, or in a user-specified tuning ...