RungeKuttaMethod is an option to ButcherPhi and related functions that specifies the type of method to be generated.
RungeKuttaOrderConditions[p, s] gives a list of the order conditions that any s-stage Runge\[Dash]Kutta method of order p must satisfy. RungeKuttaOrderConditions[p] gives the ...
In addition to providing a comprehensive environment for calculations and a programming language, Mathematica is also a system for representing and presenting scientific and ...
As of Version 7.0, PieEdgeStyle has been superseded by ChartStyle.
As of Version 7.0, PieExploded has been superseded by SectorSpacing.
(Obsolete Pie Charts Package Symbol) As of Version 7.0, PieLabels has been superseded by ChartLabels.
As of Version 7.0, PieOrientation has been superseded by SectorOrigin.
(Obsolete Pie Charts Package Symbol) As of Version 7.0, PieStyle has been superseded by ChartStyle.
LegendBackground is an option for Legend, which specifies the style of background to use with a legend.
LegendBorder is an option for Legend, which specifies the style of the line surrounding key boxes and text in a legend.