As soon as you connect almost any kind of controller or input device to your computer, Mathematica will immediately let you use it to control Manipulate, 3D graphics, etc. ...
Mathematica's symbolic character allows it to handle generalized functions or "distributions" as a direct extension of classical mathematical functions, and to represent ...
Mathematica's unique structure allows a generalized notion of input, in which not only ordinary text, but also typeset structures, diagrams, graphics, control objects and ...
Mathematica can import common terrain elevation files and render them as topographic maps. It can also import geospatial information formats that combine layers of raster, ...
A typical graph problem is that of matching different items, such as dates between men and women given preferences or teachers and courses with different preferences. These ...
A graph may not be fully connected. For instance, only about 25% of the web graph is estimated to be in the largest strongly connected component. Another 25% is estimated to ...
Mathematica allows you detailed control over the way that graphics objects are rendered. The combination of sequentially-acting graphics directives, together with ...
Mathematica can immediately export graphics and animations to online, print, and web formats, preserving dynamic annotation when possible. Mathematica also has powerful ...
Mathematica allows graphics to appear anywhere in notebooks, including inline in text or other expressions. You can specify how the graphics should be placed and rendered, ...
Mathematica supports a broad range of measures that characterize graphs, from simple measures, such as the number of vertices and edges that tell the size and sparsity of a ...