SetSharedFunction[f_1, f_2, ...] declares the symbols f_i as shared functions whose downvalues are synchronized among all parallel kernels.
SetSharedVariable[s_1, s_2, ...] declares the symbols s_i as shared variables whose values are synchronized among all parallel kernels.
SetSystemOptions["name" -> value] resets the value for the internal system option with the specified name.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Setter[x, val] represents a setter button whose setting x is set to val when the button is clicked. The button is labeled with val, and appears pressed if the value of x is ...
(Obsolete Mathematica Symbol) As of Version 6.0, Shading has been superseded by ColorFunction.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Shallow[expr] prints as a shallow form of expr. Shallow[expr, depth] prints with all parts of expr below the specified depth given in skeleton form. Shallow[expr, {depth, ...
ShapiroWilkTest[data] tests whether data is normally distributed using the Shapiro\[Dash]Wilk test.ShapiroWilkTest[data, " property"] returns the value of " property".
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Share[expr] changes the way expr is stored internally, to try and minimize the amount of memory used. Share[] tries to minimize the memory used to store all expressions.
ShearingMatrix[\[Theta], v, n] gives the matrix corresponding to shearing by \[Theta] radians along the direction of the vector v, and normal to the vector n.
ShearingTransform[\[Theta], v, n] gives a TransformationFunction that represents a shear by \[Theta] radians along the direction of the vector v, normal to the vector n, and ...