Partial differentiation operations. This gives ( ∂ ) / ( ∂x ) x^n. This gives the third derivative.
Converting between numbers and lists or strings of digits. Here is the list of base 16 digits for an integer. This gives a list of digits, together with the number of digits ...
A Diophantine polynomial system is an expression constructed with polynomial equations and inequalities combined using logical connectives and quantifiers where the variables ...
The functions described here are among the most commonly used discrete univariate statistical distributions. You can compute their densities, means, variances, and other ...
Depending on the purpose for which you are using a Mathematica notebook, you may want to change its overall appearance. The front end allows you to specify independently the ...
When you write programs in Mathematica, there are various ways to document your code. As always, by far the best thing is to write clear code, and to name the objects you ...
An Abel ODE is a first-order equation of the form This equation arose in the context of the studies of Niels Henrik Abel on the theory of elliptic functions, and represents a ...
A Bernoulli equation is a first-order equation of the form The problem of solving equations of this type was posed by James Bernoulli in 1695. A year later, in 1696, G. ...
A Clairaut equation is a first-order equation of the form A remarkable feature of this nonlinear equation is that its general solution has a very simple form. This is an ...
While differential equations have three basic types—ordinary (ODEs), partial (PDEs), or differential-algebraic (DAEs), they can be further described by attributes such as ...