Matrix inversion. Here is a simple 2×2 matrix. This gives the inverse of m. In producing this formula, Mathematica implicitly assumes that the determinant ad-bc is nonzero.
Minimization and maximization. Minimize and Maximize yield lists giving the value attained at the minimum or maximum, together with rules specifying where the minimum or ...
The simplest way to mix text and formulas in a Mathematica notebook is to put each kind of material in a separate cell. Sometimes, however, you may want to embed a formula ...
Mathematica normally assumes that all your variables are global. This means that every time you use a name like x, Mathematica normally assumes that you are referring to the ...
When installing MathLM and Mathematica on a Linux system, you may need to mount the CD or DVD. Mathematica is available for Linux on DVD. MathLM is available for Linux ...
Different kinds of vector and matrix multiplication. This multiplies each element of the vector by the scalar k. The "dot" operator gives the scalar product of two vectors.
Mathematica provides permutation representations for many important finite groups. Some of these groups are members of infinite families, parametrized by one or more ...
Mathematical functions in Mathematica are given names according to definite rules. As with most Mathematica functions, the names are usually complete English words, fully ...
Particularly when you use transformation rules, you often need to name pieces of patterns. An object like x_ stands for any expression, but gives the expression the name x. ...
The shooting method works by considering the boundary conditions as a multivariate function of initial conditions at some point, reducing the boundary value problem to ...