Mathematica has three functions for generating pseudorandom numbers that are distributed uniformly over a range of values. Pseudorandom number generation. Generating tables ...
Pure functions. When you use functional operations such as Nest and Map, you always have to specify a function to apply. In all the examples above, we have used the "name" of ...
Relational operators. This tests whether 10 is less than 7. The result is False. Not all of these numbers are unequal, so this gives False.
Restriction scripts can be very useful in managing sitewide installations of Mathematica. They can be used to prevent access to Mathematica by unauthorized users on the ...
To run Mathematica from within an external program requires making use of many general features of MathLink. The first issue is how to establish a MathLink connection to ...
Mathematica represents matrices and vectors using lists. Anything that is not a list Mathematica considers as a scalar. A vector in Mathematica consists of a list of scalars. ...
Functions like Read and Find are most often used for processing text and data from external files. In some cases, however, you may find it convenient to use these same ...
Sending email from Mathematica. The examples below require that the default mail account settings have been configured in the Internet Connectivity > Mail Settings tab of the ...
In doing a calculation with Mathematica, you usually go through a sequence of steps. If you want to, you can do each step on a separate line. Often, however, you will find it ...
When you define a complicated function, you will often want to let some of the arguments of the function be "optional". If you do not give those arguments explicitly, you ...