As of Version 7.0, SemimajorAxis has become a property of GeodesyData.
As of Version 7.0, SphericalDistance has been superseded by GeoDistance.
As of Version 7.0, SpheroidalDistance has been superseded by GeoDistance.
As of Version 7.0, ToDegrees has been superseded by FromDMS.
Geodesy is the branch of science that deals with such topics as determining positions and areas over large parts of the Earth, the shape and size of the Earth, and the ...
Aggressive is an option to PseudoDiameter that specifies whether an extra iteration is to be carried out.
Bicomponents[g] gives the biconnected components of the undirected graph g.
ClosenessCentrality[g] finds the closeness centrality.
CommunityModularity[g, partition] gives the community modularity of a partition.CommunityModularity[g, assignment] gives the community modularity of an assignment.