(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Registered MIME type: model/vrml VRML geometry format. Early standard for delivering 3D content on the web. Stores 3D geometries, background images, light source, and view ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: model/x3d+xml Web3D geometry format. Used for distributing 3D models on the web and in media applications. XML format. Can store multiple geometries. Introduced in ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) ZPrint CAD format. Used with Z Corporation 3D printers. Native format of the ZEdit and ZPrint applications. Developed by Z Corporation. Stores a physical 3D model and color ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) ArcSech[z] gives the inverse hyperbolic secant sech -1 (z) of the complex number z.
ExponentFunction is an option for NumberForm and related functions that determines the exponent to use in printing approximate real numbers.
PlotStyle is an option for plotting and related functions that specifies styles in which objects are to be drawn.
ToExpression[input] gives the expression obtained by interpreting strings or boxes as Mathematica input. ToExpression[input, form] uses interpretation rules corresponding to ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Tr[list] finds the trace of the matrix or tensor list. Tr[list, f] finds a generalized trace, combining terms with f instead of Plus. Tr[list, f, n] goes down to level n in ...
Tensors are mathematical objects that give generalizations of vectors and matrices. In Mathematica, a tensor is represented as a set of lists, nested to a certain number of ...
TransformationFunction[data] represents a transformation function that applies geometric and other transformations.