OutputForm[expr] prints as a two-dimensional representation of expr using only keyboard characters.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sound[primitives] represents a sound. Sound[primitives, t] specifies that the sound should have duration t.Sound[primitives, {t_min, t_max}] specifies that the sound should ...
VectorAngle[u, v] gives the angle between the vectors u and v.
WeierstrassPPrime[u, {g_2, g_3}] gives the derivative of the Weierstrass elliptic function \[WeierstrassP](u; g_2, g_3).
DSolve returns a general solution for a problem if no initial or boundary conditions are specified. The general solution to this equation is returned. However, if initial or ...
Many large-scale applications of linear algebra involve matrices that have many elements, but comparatively few that are nonzero. You can represent such sparse matrices ...
Matrices are represented in Mathematica with lists. They can be entered directly with the { } notation, constructed from a formula, or imported from a data file. Mathematica ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME types: application/fits, image/fits FITS scientific image and data format. Standard format for the exchange and archival storage of astronomical data. Endorsed by NASA ...
ConditionalExpression[expr, cond] is a symbolic construct that represents the expression expr when the condition cond is True.
You may have noticed that there are two different ways to make assignments in Mathematica: lhs=rhs and lhs:=rhs. The basic difference between these forms is when the ...