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WienerFilter   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
WienerFilter[image, r] removes noise from image by applying a range-r Wiener filter.WienerFilter[image, r, ns] assumes an additive noise power value ns.
Numerical Mathematics in Mathematica   (Mathematica Tutorial)
One of the important features of Mathematica is its ability to give you exact, symbolic, results for computations. There are, however, computations where it is just ...
Repeated Patterns   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Repeated patterns. Multiple blanks such as x__ allow you to give patterns in which sequences of arbitrary expressions can occur. The Mathematica pattern repetition operators ...
Compiled Function Operation   (Compiled Function Tools Tutorial)
The Mathematica compiler generates a CompiledFunction expression that contains a sequence of simple instructions for evaluating a Mathematica computation. The compiled ...
Diophantine Equations   (Mathematica Guide)
Although Diophantine equations provide classic examples of undecidability, Mathematica in practice succeeds in solving a remarkably wide range of such equations—automatically ...
Linear and Nonlinear Filters   (Mathematica Guide)
Mathematica's highly optimized filtering capabilities provide a wide range of linear and modern nonlinear local filters, as well as a variety of nonlocal filters, which can ...
Create and Use Rules   (Mathematica How To)
Transformation rules in Mathematica let you set local values for symbols, functions, and all other types of expressions. Using rules provides a powerful and extensible method ...
BoxBaselineShift   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
BoxBaselineShift is an option for AdjustmentBox that specifies how much the baseline of the box should be shifted relative to those of neighboring characters.
CellEditDuplicate   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
CellEditDuplicate is an option for Cell which specifies whether the front end should make a copy of the cell before actually applying any changes in its contents that you ...
ColorQuantize   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
ColorQuantize[image, n] gives an approximation to image that uses only n distinct colors.
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