TakeWhile[list, crit] gives elements e_i from the beginning of list, continuing so long as crit[e_i] is True.
Translate[g, {x, y, ...}] represents graphics primitives g translated by the vector {x, y, ...}. Translate[g, {{x_1, y_1, ...}, {x_2, y_2, ...}, ...}] represents multiple ...
The built-in functions in Mathematica operate in a wide variety of ways. But many of the mathematical functions share an important approach: they are set up so as to reduce ...
LiftingWaveletTransform[data] gives the lifting wavelet transform (LWT) of an array of data.LiftingWaveletTransform[data, wave] gives the lifting wavelet transform using the ...
MomentConvert[mexpr, form] converts the moment expression mexpr to the specified form.
NProbability[pred, x \[Distributed] dist] gives the numerical probability for an event that satisfies the predicate pred under the assumption that x follows the probability ...
One significant advantage Mathematica provides is that it can symbolically compute derivatives. This means that when you specify Method->"Newton" and the function is ...
(Mathematica Tutorial) Mathematica supports a variety of objects that can be used to organize and display information in output. Known collectively as views, these objects range from the simple ...
J/Link provides Mathematica users with the ability to interact with arbitrary Java classes directly from Mathematica. You can create objects and call methods directly in the ...
Mathematica includes all the common special functions of mathematical physics found in standard handbooks. Each of the various classes of functions is discussed in turn. One ...