NevilleThetaC[z, m] gives the Neville theta function \[CurlyTheta]_c (z \[VerticalSeparator] m).
PaletteNotebook[{cell_1, cell_2, ...}] represents a palette notebook that can be manipulated by the Mathematica front end.
ReflectionMatrix[v] gives the matrix that represents reflection of points in a mirror normal to the vector v.
ScalingMatrix[{s_x, s_y, ...}] gives the matrix corresponding to scaling by a factor s_i along each coordinate axis.ScalingMatrix[s, v] gives the matrix corresponding to ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Show[graphics, options] shows graphics with the specified options added. Show[g_1, g_2, ...] shows several graphics combined.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sinc[z] gives sinc(z).
$MessagePrePrint is a global variable whose value, if set, is applied to expressions before they are included in the text of messages.
Manipulate Introduction to Control Objects Views
In most cases, you want the head f of a Mathematica expression like f[x] to be a single symbol. There are, however, some important applications of heads that are not symbols. ...
"Sound" describes how you can take functions and lists of data and produce sounds from them. Here we discuss how sounds are represented in Mathematica. Mathematica treats ...