(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Assert[test] represents the assertion that test is True. If assertions have been enabled, test is evaluated when the assertion is encountered. If test is not True, then an ...
ConoverTest[{data_1, data_2}] tests whether the variances of data_1 and data_2 are equal.ConoverTest[dspec, \[Sigma]_0^2] tests a dispersion measure against ...
DistributionParameterQ[dist] yields True if dist is a valid distribution, and yields False otherwise.
Hypergeometric2F1Regularized[a, b, c, z] is the regularized hypergeometric function \[Null]_2 F_1 (a, b; c; z)/\[CapitalGamma](c).
InverseErfc[s] gives the inverse complementary error function obtained as the solution for z in s = erfc(z).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Log2[x] gives the base-2 logarithm of x.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Pi is \[Pi], with numerical value \[TildeEqual] 3.14159.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) x^y gives x to the power y.
Rational is the head used for rational numbers.
SiegelTukeyTest[{data_1, data_2}] tests whether the variances of data_1 and data_2 are equal.SiegelTukeyTest[dspec, \[Sigma]_0^2] tests a dispersion measure against ...