BeckmannDistribution[\[Mu]_1, \[Mu]_2, \[Sigma]_1, \[Sigma]_2] represents the Beckmann distribution with means \[Mu]_1 and \[Mu]_2 and standard deviations \[Sigma]_1 and ...
FindRoot[f, {x, x_0}] searches for a numerical root of f, starting from the point x = x_0.FindRoot[lhs == rhs, {x, x_0}] searches for a numerical solution to the equation lhs ...
NumericFunction is an attribute that can be assigned to a symbol f to indicate that f[arg_1, arg_2, ...] should be considered a numeric quantity whenever all the arg_i are ...
Functions in Mathematica are carefully set up so that you normally do not have to know how they work inside. But particularly for numerical functions that use iterative ...
Dynamic behavior is added to a GUIKit user interface by executing Mathematica code. This lets one part of the definition interact with another, for example, specifying the ...
This example demonstrates how you can use the InvokeThread option of user interface functions to allow user interface updates to be visible when performing a long Mathematica ...
MathLink connections between Mathematica sessions. This starts up a link on port number 8000. This connects to the link on port 8000.
Here is an implementation of the J/Link RealTimePlotting example written with the GUIKit` package.
Mathematica's extensive base of state-of-the-art algorithms, efficient handling of very long integers, and powerful built-in language make it uniquely suited to both research ...
By providing a completely extensible set of vertex and edge properties, you can make graphs represent much more than the structural information embodied in their topology. ...