$MachineEpsilon gives the difference between 1.0 and the next-nearest number representable as a machine-precision number.
MonitorLM gives information on the total number of licenses available and checked out, the fully qualified domain name and username of those who have them checked out, and so ...
The shooting method works by considering the boundary conditions as a multivariate function of initial conditions at some point, reducing the boundary value problem to ...
CUDALink allows Mathematica to use the CUDA parallel computing architecture on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). It contains functions that use CUDA-enabled GPUs to boost ...
PolarPlot[r, {\[Theta], \[Theta]_min, \[Theta]_max}] generates a polar plot of a curve with radius r as a function of angle \[Theta].PolarPlot[{f_1, f_2, ...}, {\[Theta], ...
RayleighDistribution[\[Sigma]] represents the Rayleigh distribution with scale parameter \[Sigma].
SparseArray[{pos_1 -> val_1, pos_2 -> val_2, ...}] yields a sparse array in which values val_i appear at positions pos_i. SparseArray[{pos_1, pos_2, ...} -> {val_1, val_2, ...
InterpolateRoot[lhs == rhs, {x, x_0, x_1}] searches for a numerical solution to the equation lhs == rhs using x_0 and x_1 as the first two values of x.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Exists[x, expr] represents the statement that there exists a value of x for which expr is True. Exists[x, cond, expr] states that there exists an x satisfying the condition ...
FindArgMax[f, x] gives the position x_max of a local maximum of f.FindArgMax[f, {x, x_0}] gives the position x_max of a local maximum of f, found by a search starting from ...