$MaxPrecision gives the maximum number of digits of precision to be allowed in arbitrary-precision numbers.
$MaxExtraPrecision gives the maximum number of extra digits of precision to be used in functions such as N.
$MinPrecision gives the minimum number of digits of precision to be allowed in arbitrary-precision numbers.
Assumptions is an option for functions such as Simplify, Refine, and Integrate that specifies default assumptions to be made about symbolic quantities.
CUDAInformation[] queries information on all CUDA devices detected.CUDAInformation[dev] queries information on CUDA dev.CUDAInformation[dev, prop] queries prop on CUDA dev.
At the core of Mathematica is its highly developed symbolic language, which unifies a broad range of programming paradigms and uses its unique concept of symbolic programming ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Take[list, n] gives the first n elements of list. Take[list, -n] gives the last n elements of list. Take[list, {m, n}] gives elements m through n of list. Take[list, seq_1, ...
Mathematica normally assumes that all your variables are global. This means that every time you use a name like x, Mathematica normally assumes that you are referring to the ...
CoarserSetPartitionQ[a, b] yields True if set partition b is coarser than set partition a; that is, every block in a is contained in some block in b.
UnrankSetPartition[r, s, k] finds a k-block set partition of s with rank r. UnrankSetPartition[r, n, k] finds a k-block set partition of {1, 2, ..., n} with rank r.